Sunday, September 28, 2014

Article on the national daily


When I was back in Nepal I wrote an article with an aim to publish it. And yesterday, it got published, I am so so so delighted about it.

Here is the (LINK), I hope you will enjoy it.

The post is about rich countries helping the poor ones.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Back to School


Yesterday was my first day back to school and I am already scared about my classes. I have Math, English and French this quarter. I know, no economics. (Gosh, I miss going to my economics class). But I have pretty interesting classes, lets hope I learn a lot this quarter.

Besides that, i am going though the economist every week. And I wanted to know more about the effects of negative interest rates in banks of Europe. I found an interesting article in the BBC news that explains its effect too. Take a look at it, (LINK). The article talks about unemployment effect, and fear of deflation.

Ready to take on school, with my darling (aka laptop) 3 composition note book and a good luck pencil case (with a cat face) from my sister, Trisha.  PS. my book have not yet arrived. Yes, i am one of those students! :P


Sunday, September 21, 2014

Cash or Cards?


After coming from Nepal and spending 4 days in Seattle I realized that I have no cash in my purse. Not even a dollar.
This made me think, whether we really needed cash and started doing some research on that. I found a really interesting video from the Economist. (LINK)

The video is only about 2 minutes and has lots of information, it is worth taking a look.

Having digital money, like visa cards and credits cards make the tracing of money easy. Government can earn move revenues. People will have less hassle going to bank and finding ATMs. More over, criminal activities can be avoided.

Photo, from google image.

I cannot imagine my self going cash less in Nepal but here in Seattle and developed countries I think it is possible. 

What do you think about going cash less?


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Coming Back to Seattle


I am back in Seattle for school. This time it was harder leaving home than the first time. (Tears would not stop rolling down). However, I was super sick leaving Nepal, and had a terrible 14 hrs 20 mins flight.

Besides those complains, I got a new laptop today. Blogging through it now. :)

It has been raining hard since yesterday, I haven't seen the sun and the cold weather is already kicking in.

Besides that I have been reading Piketty's book and it is taking me a long time to complete it. However, I will surely write about it when I am done.

This year, I am excited for school... a sophomore... :)

more study posts will be coming but for now let me enjoy the free days I have.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Cost of living.


These days I have been busy shopping for my trip back to the US of A. Since, the stuff I buy here are way cheaper than there, I think its better I stock my suitcases with some heavy jackets.

What do you think is the cause of lower cost in developing countries? Why are some places so expensive than the others?

Usually its due to the higher tax and production cost in developed countries that makes everything so expensive there. Buying a cup of tea in Nepal costs 20 cents and around 4 dollars in America.

Japan, Singapore are the places with high cost of living, and cities like Delhi and Mumbai have very low cost. Kathmandu, Nepal's capital has comparatively higher cost of living. It can be due to the geographical location, it is a valley and most things needs to be imported from outside.

The cost of living also compliments the earning in most countries. Places with higher cost of living have more income than compared to the other.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Learning to say NO!


How hard is it for you to say No to people? For me its extremely hard, and I can rarely say no.

And when ever I have tried saying no, it has always come across as rude and improper.  :(

But to my rescue, I found a book that is majorly helpful. It comes with lots of real life example which you can actually use. Saying "No" to some situation is as important as saying "Yes".

The book is, William Ury's "The Power of a positive NO". This book was in my home for few years but I had not yet started readying until a week before, If you face difficulty saying no in proper situation then is book is for you.

Being a college student I had to learn to say No to parties, but that wisdom came only after spoiling my few tests.

The book cover

Me, reading the book. 

Some of you may have blessed with the skills, but for the rest of us practicing is the best way out. 


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Negative Interest Rates


Recently, I had heard about negative interest rate in the Europe, however today I found an news about it. Banks are taking money to let us keep our money with them. So strange!

Here is the piece news published in the BBC (Link).

Negative interest will force people to invest their money, and not let them stack up. The liquidity of money increases, so does the money in market.

I will be watching this matter more closely, so  I am definitely posting more articles soon.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014



Today I am attaching some of my pictures during the stay in Nepal.

Evening at Kumaripati


Fried Fish in market

Spending some time for myself. 

More to come! 


Tuesday, September 2, 2014



As I promised September wont be like August. It is officially fall, and this time summer was awesome. Today I am writing about IMF, International Monetary Fund.

 IMF was established in 1944 and its main purpose was to help the world recover from the World War 2. The head quarter is in Washington DC, USA and it has membership of 188 countries so far.
Now a days it operates to facilitate in stabilizing financial conditions, reducing poverty and help in sustainable economic growth.

IMF also has blog which can be useful to students of finance or economics. LINK
P.S last week IMF published the list of top ten economics, the article is featured  in Greg Mankiw's blog. It is worth taking a look.

IMF logo

(image from Google) 

More Posts to come! 
